Edukasi Kesehatan dan Gizi pada Forum Anak di Kawasan Rentan Kekerasan

Health and Nutrition Education at the Children's Forum in Violence-Prone Areas


  • Iin Purnamasari Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Suwarno Widodo
  • Sugeng Maryanto
  • Nur Cholifah
  • Siska Dea Novitasari
  • Vanes Ufi Safarah
  • Novia Eka Rahmawati
  • Ajeng Ayu Nur Fitriyani
  • Afim Rofkhul Roim



Children's forums at the village level do not have an optimal role in health service accessibility. The children intended in this study are in the category of adolescents aged 12-18 years. This study was conducted to describe the importance of adolescent health and nutrition education, and to analyze the role of the Children's Forum in violence-prone areas in health access. The study was carried out using qualitative methods and phenomenological descriptive approaches. Data was obtained from observation and filling out adolescent healthy lifestyle questionnaires, health and nutrition accessibility questionnaires through the Youth Posyandu. Data analysis was carried out by triangulation of sources and techniques. The results of the study show that adolescent health and nutrition education needs to be carried out in a structured manner with continuous assistance by the right parties. It is also known that the Children's Forum has an important role in the accessibility of adolescent health in violence-prone areas. It was concluded that health and nutrition education at the Children's Forum in violence-prone areas can be carried out by optimizing adolescent health service posts (Posyandu) for adolescents, establishing health and nutrition service centers, and adolescent counseling on an ongoing basis.



Forum anak di tingkat desa belum memiliki peran optimal dalam aksesibilitas layanan kesehatan. Anak yang dimaksudkan pada studi ini adalah kategori remaja dengan usia 12-18 tahun. Studi ini dilakukan untuk mendeskripsikan pentingnya pendidikan kesehatan dan gizi remaja, dan menganalisis peran Forum Anak di kawasan rentan kekerasan pada akses kesehatan. Studi dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dan pendekatan deskriptif fenomenologis. Data diperoleh dari observasi dan pengisian kuesioner gaya hidup sehat remaja, kuesioner aksesibilitas kesehatan dan gizi melalui Posyandu Remaja. Analisis data dilakukan dengan triangulasi sumber dan teknik. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan kesehatan dan gizi remaja perlu dilakukan secara terstruktur dengan pendampingan berkelanjutan oleh pihak yang tepat. Diketahui pula bahwa Forum Anak memiliki peran penting dalam aksesibilitas kesehatan remaja di Kawasan rentan kekerasan. Disimpulkan bahwa edukasi kesehatan dan gizi pada Forum Anak di kawasan rentan kekerasan dapat dilakukan dengan optimalisasi pos pelayanan kesehatan remaja (Posyandu) Remaja, dibentuknya sentra layanan kesehatan dan gizi, dan konseling remaja secara berkelanjutan.


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How to Cite

Iin Purnamasari, Suwarno Widodo, Sugeng Maryanto, Nur Cholifah, Siska Dea Novitasari, Vanes Ufi Safarah, Novia Eka Rahmawati, Ajeng Ayu Nur Fitriyani and Afim Rofkhul Roim (2025) “Edukasi Kesehatan dan Gizi pada Forum Anak di Kawasan Rentan Kekerasan : Health and Nutrition Education at the Children’s Forum in Violence-Prone Areas”, JURNAL GIZI DAN KESEHATAN, 17(1), pp. 78–86. doi: 10.35473/jgk.v17i1.605.

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